Given from the Catholic Broadcasting Station 2SM Sydney Australia
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With all the publicity given to them you cannot possibly be unaware of the more recent ones.
You cannot expect really adequate treatment of such a question in a radio session essentially devoted to brief explanations. However, I will do what I can for you, reducing things to a minimum of description. In each case I will merely name the Pope, the document, the date and the subject matter of the Decree. They are as follows: (1) Pope Leo I Decree: "Lectis Dilectionis Tuae," to Flavian, Patriarch of Constantinople, June 13, 449 A.D. On the Divinity of Christ. 1 (2) Pope Agatho Decree: "Omnium Bonorum Spes," 680 A.D. On the Divine and Human Wills in Christ. (3) Pope Boniface VIII Decree: "Unam Sanctam," Nov. 18, 1302. On Papal Supremacy in the Church. (4) Pope Benedict XII Decree: "Benedictus Deus," Tan. 29 1336 On the Heavenly Destiny of the Saints. (5) Pope Leo X Decree: "Exsurge Domine," June 15, 1520. Condemning the Errors of Martin Luther. (6) Pope Innocent X Decree: "Cum Occasione," May 31, 1653. Condemning the Errors of the Jansenists. (7) Pope Innocent XI Decree: "Coelestis Pastor," Nov. 19, 1687. Condemning the Errors of the Quietists. (8) Pope Clement XI Decree: "Unigenitus," Sept. 8, 1713. Condemning the False Teachings of Paschasius Quesnel. (9) Pope Pius VI Decree: "Auctorem Fidei," Aug. 28, 1794. Condemning the False Teachings of the Synod of Pistoia. (10) Pope Pius IX Decree: "Ineffabilis Deus," Dec. 8, 1854. Defining the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Same Pope. Decree:"Quanta Cura," Dec. 8, 1864. Condemning Secularism and Communism. NOTE: Under the presidency of Pope Pius IX, July 18, 1870, the Vatican Council defined Papal Infallibility. (11) Pope Leo XIII Decree: "Apostolicae Curae," Sept. 13, 1896. Condemned Anglican Orders as null and void. Same Pope. Decree: "Testem Benevolentiae," Jan. 22, 1899. Condemned merely Naturalistic Interpretations of Christian Activities. NOTE: There are some Catholic theologians who hold that, although these two decrees of Pope Leo XIII are of the utmost authority, they still fall short of technical requirements for infallible "ex cathedra" utterances. In practice all hold that they are binding on all the faithful. (12) Pope Pius X Decree: "Lamentabili," July 3, 1907; and again, Decree: "Pascendi," Sept. 7, 1907. Condemning the Errors of the Modernists. (13) Pope Pius XI. Two utterances very probably comply with the requirements of an "ex cathedra" decision, namely, the solemn declaration that contraceptive birth control is, of its very nature, a grave violation of the Law of God ("Casti Connubii," Dec. 31, 1930) and the condemnation of materialistic Socialism as quite opposed to the Christian religion ("Quadragesimo Anno," May 15, 1931). (14) Pope Pius XII Decree: "Munificentissimus Deus," Nov. 1, 1950. Defining the Dogma of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven.
A Radio Analysis"
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