Choose a topic from Vol 4:

Religion - Yes or No

Necessity of Religion
Reality of Religious Experience
Religion and life
Religious statistics
Nature of religion
Necessity of worship
Neglect of religion
Religion and history
Conversion of mankind

The Christian Church

Nature of the Church
Necessity of the Church
Visible organisation
Hierarchical constitution
Papal supremacy
Perpetuity of the Church

"This Shall Be the Sign"

Notes of identification
Unity of the Church
Holiness of the Church
Catholicity of the Church
Apostolic succession
"Roman" but not "Roman Catholic"

Dogmatic Authority of the Church

Authority in religion
Catholic Church infallible
The Pope infallible
Papal definitions
Dogmatic spirit of the Catholic Church
"Religion of the spirit"
Individual freedom
Re-stating Christianity
Athanasian Creed
Meaning of faith
Faith and reason
Faith and science
Religion and education
Religion and morals
Catholic countries backward
Universities and religion
Natural Moral Law
Christian principles of morality
Catholicism versus the world

The Power-Complex Illusion

Legislative power of the Catholic Church
Coercive power of the Catholic Church
Catholic Church and political ambitions
Divided allegiance of Catholics
Rome and totalitarianism
Aim of the Catholic Church in America
Catholic Action
Political freedom of Catholics
Catholic infiltration of civic life
Catholicism anti-democatic
Rival totalitarianisms, Rome and Moscow
Catholic attitude to Protestants
Spanish Inquisition
Church and State
Federal Union or "One World State"

Life-Or-Death Social Problems

Social reform necessary
Trade unions
Protestant Churches and Communism
Social apathy of Churches
Catholic social teaching
Family life
Primary purpose of marriage
Religion and marriage
Form of marriage
Mixed marriages
Birth control
"Catholic birth control"
Divorce and re-marriage
Catholics and civil divorce
Nullity decrees
Therapeutic abortion
Euthansia or mercy-killing

Those Exclusive Claims

Divided Christendom
Do divisions matter?
The "Only True Church" claims
Cause of sectarian bigotry
Reunion Movement
Catholic non-cooperation

Religious Liberty

Religious freedom
Catholic intolerance
Protestants and the principles of religious liberty
Rome and the "Four Freedoms"
Heresy and heretics
Religious rights of Protestants
Religious persecution
"Rome's historical record"
Protestant missionaries in Spain
In Italy
In South America
Conditions in Colombia

Are Only Catholics Saved

"Outside the Catholic Church no salvation"
Beliefs of Catholics
Salvation of Pagans
Salvation of Protestants
Why become a Catholic?
Duty of inquiry
Salvation of apostate Catholics
Test at the Last Judgment
Obstacles to conversion
Truth of Catholicism

Beliefs of Catholics

1607. You are bluffing us. You yourself do not give the impression in other things you say that such are your own convictions. You even said once that there are only Catholics in heaven.

That does not conflict with anything I have just said. A non-Catholic who dies repentant of his sins and with the will to do God's will in all things can attain salvation even though he never professed to be a Catholic at any time in this world. But the moment he enters the next world he will realize the truth he never knew in this world, and will acknowledge that the Catholic religion was indeed, the right religion. In that sense, all who do get to heaven will there be Catholics, acknowledging the truth of all Catholic teachings. We do not, therefore hold that the only ones likely to attain to eternal life are those who are Catholics in this world. Yet it remains true that the man who finds out that the Catholic religion is right is obliged to become a Catholic when he does discover the truth, if he wishes to save his soul.

1608. Yet the Roman Church condemns all people who are not of that Church!

She does not. Naturally, the Catholic Church holds that any religious position differing from and opposed to the Catholic religion is mistaken; but the people belonging to mistaken religions she leaves to God. They may be in quite good faith, sincerely believing their mistaken position to be right. The Catholic Church certainly does not condemn them as if they were wicked to believe as they do. The interior dispositions of individual human beings are subject to God's judgment alone; and the Catholic Church refuses to pass any sentence upon them.

1609. We Protestants believe in people's freedom of choice.

There is a sense in* which that belief is quite sound. But there is another sense in which it is not sound. People must be free to follow their consciences, choosing in accordance with what they sincerely believe to be right. But if we consider, not the person choosing, but the thing to be chosen, there are difficulties at once. For example, as a Protestant, you believe in Christ, holding that He is the Son of God and the Savior of mankind. Now here is the problem. When people come up against the claims of Christ, do you hold that they are obliged to accept those claims, or do you hold that they are quite free to reject them? If you hold that the claims of Christ are true and that people are not free to reject them once they have become aware of them, we simply hold that the claims of the Catholic Church are also true and that we are equally obliged to accept those, once we are aware and convinced of them.

1610. Your Catechism puts the question: "Where are true Christians to be found?" And it gives the answer: "True Christians are to be found only in the true Church." So you teach your schoolchildren that only Roman Catholics are real Christians!

Every person who professes to be a Christian would have to admit that true Christians are to be found only in the true Church, unless he attaches no significance whatever to the words of Christ: "I will build My Church." Matt., XVI, 18. The one question arising here is which of all the religious bodies professing to be Christian constitutes the true Church? Catholics are convinced that the Catholic Church alone constitutes the true Church, and that to be Christians in the true and full sense of the | word we must belong to that true Church. This does not mean that other people who, through no fault of their I own, belong to other Churches cannot, despite their mistake, be earnest and sincere in their efforts to live up to the moral and spiritual ideals of the I Christian religion according to their understanding of it. They are good Christian people from that point of view. But they are not truly and fully Christian so long as they are content with a Christianity which omits that part of it requiring membership of the one, true, visible Catholic Church I established by Christ Himself.



A Radio Analysis"
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