Given from the Catholic Broadcasting Station 2SM Sydney Australia
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As opposed to the Arians who would not admit that Christ wasGod, Nestorius insisted that we must adore Christ as God. But inexplaining how Christ is God, he fell into error; and as he hadbecome Patriarch of Constantinople in 428 A.D., his very influencedemanded immediate decision by the Church. Nestorius said that wemust adore Christ as God because God dwelt in Christ. However wecould not identify Christ with God, and apart from the indwellingof God within Him, Christ was a merely human Person. There were,therefore, two persons as well as two natures in Christ; not, asthe Church held, the One Person of the Eternal Son of God who,possessing the Divine Nature from eternity, had assumed to Himselfa human nature in time. Nestorius taught that Mary was the Motherof a merely human child whom God used as an instrument for ourredemption. She may be called the Mother of Christ, but she mustnot be called the Mother of God. In the year 431 A.D., the Councilof Ephesus condemned the teaching of Nestorius, and defined thedoctrine that there is only one Personality in Christ, that of theEternal Son of God who, after the Incarnation, possessed both aDivine and a human nature. Insisting that the Child born of Marywas truly God, the Council defined that Mary was the Mother of Godinsofar as God deigned to be born of her in human form, when theWord was made flesh and dwelt amongst us. Nestorius refused toaccept the decision of the Council, was excommunicated, andoriginated the Nestorian Church which lingers on amongst groups ofEastern Christians to this day in a stagnant condition, andhopelessly bound up with national considerations. At no time wasthe Nestorian sect as numerous as the Arians in their day, but ithas lasted much longer.