Given from the Catholic Broadcasting Station 2SM Sydney Australia
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No. During his own lifetime the rumor was published by the"Globe" newspaper that he had been disillusioned byCatholicism, and was going to return to the Church of England.Newman at once had his denial published in the same paper. He wrotesaying, "I have not had one moment's wavering of trust inthe Catholic Church ever since I was received into her fold. I haveno intention, and never have had any intention, of leaving theCatholic Church and becoming a Protestant again. And I herebyprofess ex animo with an absolute internal assent and consent thatthe thought of an Anglican service makes me shiver, and the thoughtof the Thirty-Nine Articles makes me shudder. Return to the Churchof England! No! I should be a consummate fool (to use a mild term)if in my old age I left 'the land flowing with milk andhoney' for the city of confusion and the house ofbondage." He added, in a later letter to a friend, that hehoped he had settled all such rumors once and for all, but saidthat he might not be alive by the time a new denial becamenecessary. I have hereby made it for him.