Given from the Catholic Broadcasting Station 2SM Sydney Australia
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Since Christ chose to establish a sacramental system, it matterslittle what I think. However, apart from our Lord's obviouswill, I do see that a sacramental system is the best possible. TheSacraments are so in keeping with human nature, they so fit in withlife, and are so adapted to our tendencies and limitations. Againthey offer us a certainty of supernatural grace which others neverhave, and which gives us such tranquillity of conscience and peaceof soul. Socially, also, they express the bond of unity amongst allmembers of the visible Catholic Church, and strengthen that bond.But no reasons which I can advance in favor of a sacramental systemcan add weight to the fact that Christ actually established Hisreligion on sacramental principles. For one who accepts thereligion of Christ it is enough that He should have given it to usjust as it is.