Given from the Catholic Broadcasting Station 2SM Sydney Australia
Choose a topic from Vol 2:
That cannot be accepted as a complete summary of the teachingsof Christ. If there is one thing certain it is that Christ wantedus to get our heads right as well as our hearts. He is not only theway to be followed; He is the truth to be believed. As a matter offact, one cannot get one's heart right and one's motivesclean until he knows what it means to have a right heart and cleanmotives. Yet the moment he makes any definite statement as to thenature of these things he invades the region of dogma, and isforced to declare a creed. The idea that it is conduct that counts,and that creeds do not matter; that behavior and not belief is whatwe want, is, of course, a complete reversal of the axiom,"Believe on Christ and be saved." At one time peopleinsisted on faith without works. Now works without faith aredemanded. But the Catholic Church opposes both extremes. Faith andworks are necessary; belief and behavior are required; the heartmust be right, but it must not run away with the head. By all meanslet us strive after Christian conduct; but we must not make that anexcuse for denying the Christian creed.
It would still have value, even if it did not do that, providedit correctly recorded the teaching of Christ. The truth would stillhave its value as the truth, even if men did not live up to it.Also, even if men are not living for Christ, it is better for themto have a correct creed than a wrong one. They at least would admitthe truth of His teachings even though they did not fulfill Hisprecepts. Surely that is better than rejecting both His teachingsand His precepts. Again, the sinner who has a correct creed is in abetter position when he does want to yield his soul to Christ thanthe sinner who has mistaken ideas concerning the nature and dutiesof Christ's religion.