Given from the Catholic Broadcasting Station 2SM Sydney Australia
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This sect owes its origin to a Rev. John Nelson Darby, who was an Anglican clergyman in Ireland. He was an extremely Low Churchman, very Protestant in his outlook, and with a horror of the Catholic Church. Disgusted by the growing High Church tendencies associated with the Oxford Movement, he left Anglicanism in order to become a Protestant evangelist unattached to any Church. A pronounced "Bible-only" man, he began to preach a strict literalism in the interpretation of Scripture, even of the most mystical and symbolical passages. In 1827 he began to plead with people to separate from all Churches, whether Protestant or Catholic, and to reject ecclesiastical authority of any sort. In 1830 he went to Plymouth, and there founded his sect of the "Brethren." Hence the name, "Plymouth Brethren." But they were also known as the "Darbyites." Any brother was allowed to pray or preach, but those not gifted with utterance were discouraged from officiating. Despite the rejection of all ecclesiastical authority, however, the "Brethren" were expected to adopt the teachings of Darby himself; and the refusal by some to do so led to their excommunication. Various subsequent disputes have led to the formation of four different branches, at least, of the "Brethren."
They hold that the whole Christian body throughout the world fell away from the truth, and was rejected by God. They themselves are the "Lord's People" now. Darby taught strict Calvinism. For him, some people were predestined to hell; others to heaven. Personal merit makes no difference. Prayer must be chiefly the praise of God. Prayer of petition is not of much value. The Lord's Supper is celebrated every week. The Second Coming of Christ is likely to occur at any moment now, when He will inaugurate the Millennium, or His reign on earth for a thousand years. During that time the devil will be bound, and people will get a second and better chance of salvation. But the Brethren differ among themselves as to the nature of this Millennial reign of Christ.
They number about 11,000 throughout the world. The sect cannot expect to grow. The very doctrine of predestination, and the necessity of being elected by God, discourages efforts to convert others. If a man is predestined to join the Brethren, he will do so; if not, no preaching will persuade him to join. The members are not very interested, therefore, in the gaining of converts, and they profess to welcome only those whom the Lord sends them. They are not in the least disconcerted by the fact that the Lord inspires few to join their ranks, for they are essentially the "chosen few" as opposed to the multitudes whom God rejects. The Catholic Church knows, on the other hand, that she has been commissioned by Christ to go to all nations, and to "preach the Gospel to every creature."