Given from the Catholic Broadcasting Station 2SM Sydney Australia
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Catholic dogmatic teaching absolutely excludes belief in thedoctrine of reincarnation, or the transmigration of souls, withtheir consequent reappearance in this world in other bodies.
Not in the least.
No. Henry VIII. was Henry VIII., and no one else. And Judas wasJudas. Under no circumstances could the one become the other. Norcould I imagine either wishing to be the other, even were itpossible.
No. Jesus Christ is "the same yesterday, today, andforever." He is the Eternal Son of God, who became man, wascrucified, died, and was buried. He rose from the dead and ascendedinto heaven in His glorified human nature. There will be no furtherincarnations of the Son of God in this world; but He will appear inall His glory and majesty at the end of time to judge mankind. AndHe will appear in the one human nature He took from the BlessedVirgin Mary. He will never acknowledge any other human nature asHis.